Support Services

Our support services cover both proactive and reactive solutions.

Proactive – FM

The best way to make sure a system runs at it’s best is to spot issues before those problems impact on users. A rogue process that simply will not stop could make the system slow down. At certain times of the day, week or month this could prove troublesome to the business.

Using smart scripts we can track and trap these issues before they become a problem. A system that runs well should be invisible to it’s users. It is a function the users wish to perform not become embroiled in the techno garble that stops them performing their task.

Reactive – Support

If you just need help with your system then contacting us to correct the problem could be minutes away. Technology has moved on and the need to have a physical presence by the servers is rarely needed unless a hardware failure has occurred. We operate a remote investigate and fix approach that allows us to be with you in minutes instead of travelling to your site to look at a problem that could be fixed with a key strokes !

All our services are provided as a customisable solution based on your business needs. We fit in with your business and NOT the other way around.