Disaster recovery / Business Continuity Planning

Disasters have to be planned for. If it’s already happened, it’s too late. Apollo’s disaster recovery offering is designed to be sufficiently flexible to give you enough options should the worst happen.

The service is based on creating a system image  of a client’s server and being able to  redeploy that image onto disaster recovery hardware.   The hardware can either be a virtual server or a physical one.

A virtual server is a copy of your existing server except it can run on top of another physical system. This can lead to multiple virtual servers running on a single physical server.

A physical server image may be deployed onto different hardware than it was created with but with some intelligent software it will re map all the differing hardware issues into a running configuration.

The 2 deployment strategies have points for and against and so may be preferred in different environments.

Scenario 1

A business demands full user load once a Disaster has been declared. Space has been allocated at a sister location and staff will relocate to continue business.

Working with this scenario a replacement physical system would be needed and the image deployed onto it.

Scenario 2

The business would only require a subset of users to function during a short period of time while alternate premises are being located.

Here a solution of virtual servers onto one physical system may be what the business needs.

As you can see from the above scenarios the two differ on space requirements and performance delivery. The business would need to decide where their Disaster plan needs to operate under.

It is the business that needs to decide what it can afford to lose and what it has to invest to make that balance. Sometimes a small change to the technology requirements can have a large impact on costs.

We try to advise our clients into the most cost effective solution that gives the best balance of protection and minimal costs.

We do provide Disaster recovery planning consultancy that can assist in identifying where the greatest threats to the business exist and what steps could be taken to address those risks.


Costs are dependent on the number   of users a client subscribes to:

Physical server

Up to 10 users £3000

Up to 50 users - £4000

Up to 100 users - £5500

Over 100 users  - £POA

Virtual server – running on a physical server

1 Server (10 users) £3000

2 servers (50 users) £4000

3 servers (100 users) £5500

4 servers (150 users) £8000